Frequently asked questions


  • ANSWER: When Moses speaks to the people of God in Deuteronomy 6 he exhorts parents by saying, “And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.” Deuteronomy 6:7-9 KJV.

    This exhortation was not God instituting a private school model that charges $16,000 a year. We are not against tuition-based models for private education, but God compels us to pursue a new path for Christian education. We see the local Church as the epicenter of God’s great institutions. The family is the institution charged with producing leaders in the Church and virtuous citizens for the state. The government, with God-fearing leaders, writes laws with a higher law in their heart, which leads to greater flourishing for human society and greater pressure put upon evil. We are pursuing this model because Christian education is a microcosm. An education that does not engage the soul in addition to the mind is an education that has failed. The data shows that Classical Christian education is the best format to accomplish this.

    We also believe that it is the responsibility of the Christian community to educate their people, and the church is well equipped to join us in this task. Many families want more for their children but cannot leave public school because of cost and family realities. We want to change that, and with God’s help, we can offer a superior education to any Christian family who wants it, regardless of their financial status. Centurion will open doors previously unavailable to a majority in our community, and its success will be a victory of the Lord, bringing glory to His name. This is what we seek above all else.

  • YES! If your child is not fully immunized for kindergarten, they may not attend Centurion. Centurion is a private religious nonprofit registered as an official school with the California Department of Education; therefore, we must follow California Health and Safety Code, Sections 120325-120375, which requires the following immunizations.

  • ANSWER: Parents must read and affirm the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed, and they must agree to our use of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (1689) as the theological foundation of Centurion School. All staff will be trained in the 1689 and asked not to teach contrary to it; nor speak ill of it publicly or on social media. Fathers and mothers or legal guardian(s) must affirm their calling as expressed in Deuteronomy 6 and Ephesians 6.

  • ANSWER: In the fall of 2023, we are offering grades TK-4. We would like to offer our community a K-12 school, however, our ability to do that will depend on the number of teachers who apply and their qualifications, as well as the number of classrooms provided to us by the local church. Again, any expansion is contingent on our unique model that relies solely on the generosity of God’s people. The more the body gives, the more we can offer.

  • ANSWER: Our goal is to add grades as the Lord provides, but at a minimum we will grow by one grade each school year. After the grammar phase is complete (TK-5), we can implement the logic phase (6-8) and then the rhetoric phase (9-12). The timeline for expansion will depend wholly on the resources available and the interest of families. Given the rigorous nature of the classical curriculum, it would be difficult, but NOT IMPOSSIBLE to place a middle or high school student directly into the Centurion program if he/she has not had any exposure to classical education. However, if there is sufficiently high interest in those grade levels, along with adequate staffing, we will consider using a modified version of the Veritas curriculum that is specifically designed for this purpose.

  • ANSWER: We will serve any Christian family from throughout the region that sees our institution as the best fit for the discipleship of their children.

  • ANSWER: The Association of Classical and Christian Schools (ACCS) will be our accrediting body and this process will occur once we are a K-12 school. We will not seek WASC accreditation, as the ACCS has a higher standard for accreditation, and we seek to comply with their standards. We will seek NO government funding for this institution since we believe it is the family’s responsibility to own and direct the education of our children.

  • ANSWER: To review the ACCS certified teacher requirements, click HERE. We will seek candidates who have an undergraduate degree (or higher), and a teaching credential, but experience in classical education is preferred. We will also consider candidates who do not hold a teaching credential, but who possess expertise in a specific area of study. Most importantly, our teachers must love Christ, love children, love teaching, and love learning. All teachers must submit to and pass a national and California background check performed by Protect My Ministry and a Life Scan background check.

  • ANSWER: Yes, when the Lord provides the teachers, volunteers, and resources.

  • ANSWER: Both. Centurion’s unique model is not viable without an active relationship with the local church. We are strategically developing those relationships, and asking churches to provide teacher salaries, volunteers, and facilities. Some of those churches share our theological position and some do not. When hiring teachers and staff, we require that all must adhere to our statement of faith (1689).

    Regarding organic growth, we offer meetings that communicate Centurion’s vision in a more personal way in settings such as small groups, churches, or private homes. Please see our home page for the link to schedule a meeting at your home, church, small group, or organization.

  • Centurion was founded by a group of individual families who are faithful members of local biblical church bodies. We are an independent religious non-profit organization.

  • ANSWER: Currently our board members represent two Church bodies, Faith Community Church and Rolling Hills Community Church, and all board members are actively serving in those congregations. We seek men in pastoral leadership to serve as advisors on our board to ensure we have Godly individuals who pray for us and advise us regarding theological and spiritual matters. All board members are required to affirm our statement of faith.

  • As a reformed Baptistic institution, we are confessional and creedal, so our statement of faith is comprehensive as expressed in the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith (written in 1677 & published in 1689). To read The 1689, please CLICK HERE

  • We are an independent nonprofit corporation with a board of directors and a head of school. Pastoral oversite is conducted from a board advisory level and all our board members, staff, and faculty must attend and serve a local, biblical church body.

  • ANSWER: Our entire model is FULL-IMERSION DISCIPLESHIP. In essence, Christ is in the cracks of our school. All students will begin with catechism (a question-and-answer method to establish foundational theology), using questions that align with the theology mentioned in the above creeds and confessions. Furthermore, scripture will be read and memorized throughout the year. The study of theology and church history is vital to discipleship growth, and both are given primary importance throughout the curriculum. Most importantly, God is integrated into every subject and every aspect of the school culture. Parents are critical in this process since they will instill a love for God in every area of the home. Parents are the principal disciplers of their children, and Centurion desires to serve parents to help them in this high calling.

  • ANSWER: We encourage all families to be active members in their local congregation where they can edify and serve the body of Christ. We will leave specific vocational ministry training to the local church, teaching elders, pastors, and the qualified seminaries designed to produce preachers of the Word and servants in the cause of Christ. We seek to encourage this vocation in our own school culture and desire to see many of our students become great men who are preachers of the Word, and men and women who will faithfully serve the body in other areas of vocational ministry.

  • ANSWER: Yes. Part-time teachers for the range of K-12 classes are essential to our success.

  • ANSWER: Ideally, we aim to fill high school teaching positions with specialists who will teach one subject at a time. This is similar to a university model. The use of qualified part-time, volunteer, and adjunct faculty will be extensive. However, our full-time staff must teach multiple subjects at any given time. We want to assign no more than three subjects per teacher, if possible.

  • ANSWER: For the gifted and accelerated students, we would offer additional opportunities inside and outside the classroom (The specifics will become more defined as we grow). For students with special needs, most of those needs will be addressed through extensive one-on-one attention as a result of small class sizes and through the help of aids and volunteers.

  • ANSWER: We will not offer AP and IB in the social sciences, but we could consider these in the math and hard science courses. This decision will also greatly depend on the qualifications and experience of the Centurion instructors. Whatever course or advance placement offerings we provide, they will align with the Word of God.

  • ANSWER: The classical movement offers many different continuing education opportunities. For example, ACCS has an instructional conference every summer to which we plan to send some staff members. There are auxiliums at larger Classical Christian schools such as Logos, Veritas, and The Ambrose School, and classicists such as Joshua Gibbs, have launched their own conferences. As an institution of learning, we will promote these opportunities and make every effort to ensure our teachers continue to learn and master their craft.

    Vertical teaming will inevitably be part of our culture as Centurion grows. Curriculum building will also be encouraged with some of our faculty having specialized knowledge. For example, some schools have written their own Latin or math curricula.

  • Answer: We look forward to the day Centurion will offer competitive sports. We plan to implement a British-style house program starting in 7th grade to cultivate a cohesive spirit in the school. We want to encourage our families to rethink the role of sport in their children’s future scholastic and vocational realities. Sport is ideally designed to showcase and develop God’s gifts of human strength and agility, and to teach the virtues of perseverance, hard work, good sportsmanship and teamwork. The modern world of sport does not embrace these virtues, so we reject the notion that sport is the only available avenue parents have to ensure their children can access post-secondary education.

    While sport will have a place at Centurion, we will prioritize the essential work - ensuring our children become disciples of Jesus Christ and learn to think rightly about the beauty and the truth of His Word.

    Nevertheless, we look forward to offering adventure sports at the outset, and team sports will follow. We would welcome mainstream as well as classical sports as God provides the resources.

  • Marriage, Sexuality, Gender & Race as stated in the Centurion Policy Manual and Bylaws.

    MARRIAGE: We believe God created marriage and defines marriage to be between one man and one woman in a “one-flesh” union for life, uniquely reflecting Christ’s relationship with his church (Gen 2:18-25; Eph 5:21-33). Marriage also serves as the foundational unit of a stable society (1 Cor 7:2) where parents produce citizens for the state and leaders in the church. Therefore, the marriage of biblically-minded mothers and fathers provides the safest and healthiest environment to raise children.

    SEXUALITY: We believe that any form of sexual conduct outside of the marriage union, and sexual activity that would violate the marriage promise, is against God’s best design and therefore sinful (this includes, but is not limited to adultery, fornication, homosexuality, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, and the use of pornography). Sex is a great gift from our creator to be enjoyed, desired and expressed to the glory of God. Violating this gift is a grave offense and outright rebellion against God and his holy law. (Ex 20:1-21; Matt 15:18-20; 1 Cor 6:9-10)

    GENDER: We believe God created man male and female, in His image, to glorify Him. It is these two biological and complimentary genders that frame the reality of man and woman as image bearers of a holy and just God (Gen 1:26-27). Those who reject their biological sex reject God’s design and thus break God’s first and greatest commandment to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength (Mathew 22:34-37).

    We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity and that God offers forgiveness, redemption and restoration to all who repent and forsake their sin and turn to the only hope for mankind, the Son of the living God, Jesus Christ our Lord (Acts 3:19-21; Rom 10-9-10; 1 Cor 6:9-11).

    RACE: We believe that God created mankind in his own image and likeness and therefore the primary image human beings bear is the image of a holy and just God. God has blessed us with diversity and has promised that among His chosen are people from every tribe, nation and tongue (Rev 5:9). We also believe the walls of hostility and racism have been once and for all destroyed between people of different races and cultures as a result of the finished work of Christ. We believe each person has a unique story and unique background and that we are called to listen to all people and the reality of God’s providence in their journey. We know that we share the same image, but we are made one through the work and blood of Christ:

    “Remember that you were at that time separated from Christ, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. BUT NOW in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down the walls of hostility by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility.” (Eph 2:12-16)

  • Centurion is a school devoted to Biblical doctrine, Church history, and full-immersion discipleship. Everything we do as a school is dictated by the inspired word of God. We desire to see all children of Christian parents learn rightly about God and know Him as Sovereign and Savior from an early age. Learning to read God’s word shapes the language, thinking, and prayers of our students. Fundamentally, we want the Word of God to guide and lead us to become more and more biblical in every aspect of the school. By God’s grace, we will continue to yield to the Lord’s will and not succumb to the whims of man, the times, or the economy.